The description below is published for video editors Producers, and partners to generate consistent sales of our services and increase the value for viewers. How can you achieve top 5 video performance in the channel and generate monthly bonuses? :
Provide exceptional value to our YouTube channel viewers, fostering engagement and loyalty.
Learn monthly bonus criteria, KPI and commissions scheme
Attract local partners, sponsors, and investors who align with our mission and contribute to our success. Contact potential local sponsors and partners who can benefit from your video and WorkTravel services. The email draft is published below this post in the comments section. ⏬⏬.
We target to produce and publish 15-25 min videos weekly. Video must have:
a transparent moving text line on the bottom screen "Top news/latest update" line ext on-screen to highlight important information listed below. Keep it concise, video content-related readable and logo included.
Remote working and partnership opportunities, and concrete positions available at the moment which are published in the forum or job board page
Free website/landing page benefits advertising for subscribers, sponsors and local partners:
1-3 Video Sponsors - services-products published in forum:
Hook 15- 45s: a short, compelling statement or idea that grabs the viewer's attention and keeps them watching. A good hook can make or break a video's performance. Grab attention quickly: The first 15 seconds of a video are crucial for retaining viewer interest. The average attention span is eight seconds, so you have eight seconds to attract and engage your viewer via Hinting at an interesting story, Asking a question, Opening with a joke, Starting with a problem and revealing a solution or offering presents, vouchers, discounts for channels subscribers and video commenters.
Before you start video production, please request access to media files and footage @GooglePhotos. For the latest updates check out our YouTube channel daily shorts:
and follow me on social media profiles and Google Maps:
or TikTok:
Video Production workflow and points must be covered:
Pickup week "City-Town" - an area from my Google Maps timeline/reviews that is also published on media files, social media daily posts, reels, etc. and post the name of the video in the forum the week you start production:
Area requirements: near the train station! and colleges - universities! Start each video with an introduction to the town or city. Mention its name and location. Highlight what makes this place special and why viewers should be excited to learn more.
#Historical/Cultural Background: Generate AI scrip about interesting historical or cultural backgrounds. What is this area famous for? Highlight what makes this place special and why viewers should be excited to learn more. Ensure the script includes a captivating story or fact about the town that is not commonly known to pique interest. What are the cycling distances and routes from the train station to the castle 🏰 , museums or "must-see" places? Highlight community events, local festivals and gatherings.
Low priority. Educational Institutions: colleges or #universities, consider including short testimonials, reviews or interviews with students or faculty to add a personal touch. Introduce colleges or universities located in the area. Mention their specialities, reputation, and notable programs. How many universities and colleges are in the city? How many students? What international study programs are available?
High priority! #Bicycle Infrastructure: consider using an interactive map or animation to visually guide the viewers through the routes. What are bike lanes, and trails? What bike routes from train stations to interesting historical or famous ones? Highlight any bike-friendly amenities like repair stations, shop rental options and prices and contact potential sponsors and partners if they would like to offer discounts-promotion-gifts for next week's subscribers. The email draft is published in the comments below ⏬.
Additional earnings 8 USD: Short video 60-180 s bonus 5 USD + Potential local partner lead bonus 3 USD.
High priority! Provide a brief property market analysis to give context to the property report, such as trends in property values or demographic shifts based on the area properties report you booked on What are the average property rents for apartments or houses in the area? To get this report: 1. Identify the railway station postcode. 2. place the order with the partner promo code: "Video partner". Click the link below:
Present top 5 local area residential #properties performance indicators/data: 1. Long Rental #Yields, 2. Capital Appreciation/5-years Value growth, 3. Sales market activity 4. Rental market activity 5. HMO #rental yields
7. High priority! Local Business Features: Include customer reviews or ratings for the businesses featured to provide social proof. Visited or interviewed local businesses #AI script: video representing local products and services related to #travellers, #students and #cyclists. Engagement with Local Businesses: Offer a 'Business Spotlight' opportunity where viewers can nominate their favourite local business. Invite local businesses and services to contact WorkTravel.Agency if would like to be visited and interviewed, test the product or service #review Contact potential sponsors and partners if they would like to offer discounts and promotional gifts for next week's subscribers. The email draft is published in the comments below ⏬.
Additional earnings 8 USD: Short video 60-180 s bonus 5 USD + Potential local partner lead bonus 3 USD.
8. Integration: direct viewers to the website, blog posts, and local landing page.
9. #TravelAgent: What independent travel agents working in the area? Contact, #local travel agents and bloggers. Contact potential sponsors and partners if they would like to offer discounts and promotional gifts for next week's subscribers. The email draft is published in the comments below ⏬.
Additional earnings 8 USD: Short video 60-180 s bonus 5 USD + Potential local partner lead bonus 3 USD.
10. Announce Next Town/Area: Create a teaser about the next town to build anticipation. Pick up the next town- an area from Google Maps travel history, and #reviews. it should be 10-30s next video announcement: “coming up soon“ Please use your next video order name and excitement. If Your next order is not confirmed yet please use ideas published in the forum.
Please comment below with your thoughts suggestions or questions NOW! and do it NOW! To avoid time waste and quick bonus approval and payment next week:
Please use our #sponsor's services, pinned is the priority!:
work-travel #services:
#remotework opportunities :
#onboarding processing: