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10 Reasons NOT to Travel (and Why They’re Wrong)

Reasons Not to Travel

Traveling as much as I do, I have heard a lot of amazing tales of adventure. I’ve chatted with people who have climbed the highest peaks and dived the deepest depths. I have also talked to a ton of people who are filled with reasons why they can’t travel.

Here are the top 10 reasons not to travel & why you need to forget them!

Terracotta Army

You Don’t Have the Time

We are all given the same twenty-four hours every day. What you do with them is up to you. If you don’t have the time, make the time.

Reorganize your life so that you are spending your time doing the things that you truly love. I know, I know. That’s much easier said than done, but it is completely, one hundred percent possible.

Volunteer Abroad

You Don’t Have the Money

Short on cash? Spend less and make more. Give up your latte habit. Take on a part time job. Your bank account will start growing in no time. I have met so many people who saved every last cent for a year before they started traveling.

They quit buying gadgets and clothes. They stopped eating out. They budgeted out every dollar, and then they went on the adventure of a lifetime and totally forgot about the sacrifices. Travel doesn’t have to be expensive!

Can’t save up enough? Volunteer abroad for free accommodation. Find a job that lets you see the world. The more creative and open-minded you are, the easier it is to find solutions.

Bab Al Shams Dubai

You Don’t Want to Leave Your Significant Other

Bring ‘em with! If you want to travel, bring your SO. If your partner can’t come, then go on your own. Trust me; any solid relationship can survive a vacation. If your guy or girl needs 24/7 supervision, you have got bigger issues to tackle.

Guide to The Running of the Bulls

You Need to Finish School First

Travel doesn’t have to be an all or nothing proposition. Cross the border for a weekend. Visit a town you have never been to before. Explore a new continent during summer break.

Study abroad for a semester. Life isn’t going to slow down after graduation—in fact, it normally speeds up! Relish your youth.

Greek Islands

You Can’t Find Someone to Travel With

Go solo! One of the best things I have ever done for myself is to take the plunge into solo travel. Admittedly, the idea was terrifying at first, but I’m so glad I did it anyway. It has been incredibly liberating and is seriously the single greatest gift I’ve ever given myself.

flight to Queenstown

You Are Afraid to Fly

I can totally understand this one. I am terrified of heights and literally stopped breathing the first time I set foot in a plane. But it gets better—it gets so much better. The unknown is always terrifying but you can conquer your fears. Just face them head on and you will be ready to go sky diving in no time.

Chichen Itza Mexico

Your Family Doesn’t Want You To

Ultimately, you have to live your life for you. Don’t compromise on your dreams. Promise to check in with your mom every morning, make sure that your sister has every single detail of your itinerary, and register with the embassy.

Do whatever you need to do to make your family less worried. Trust me; it’ll pass. Everyone in my family was so freaked out when I started traveling and now they never bat an eyelash. Sure, they will miss you, but ultimately, they love you and want you to be happy.

Safety Tips for Women Traveling in Vietnam

You Don’t Know the Language

Want to know the best way to learn a language? Go to the country! Grab a language book and start speaking. Make a million mistakes, and keep holding your head high. You will be a multilingual jet-setter in no time.

Muslim Street Xian China

You’re Worried About Safety

It’s good to be careful about your safety, but it’s important to not let fear take over your life. Let your gut keep you motivated. Use your nervous energy to take every precaution possible. Once you are totally prepared, relax! Doing anything new is scary at first but don’t let it stop you from getting out and seeing the world.


It’s Not a Good Point in Your Career

Traveling is great for your resume. Volunteer in an area related to your field. Go to a language school and become bilingual. Enroll in a master’s program abroad. There are so many different ways to expand your skillset outside of the office.


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