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8 Horrific Things Landlords Need to be Prepared for at Halloween

A spooky pumpkin

Have you got what it takes to face these 8 fears in the name of keeping your tenants and properties safe at Halloween?

Join us as we take a spooky tour of 8 landlord obligations that are of dire importance at All Hallows Eve.

three ghosts waving

Beware the Ghosts of Liability

These spooky spectres have one thing on their mind. Suing you. Why? Because someone has had an accident and been hurt on your property.

Fight the ghosts by keeping outside areas well lit and clear of hazards (like bins in the middle of outdoor walkways and holes in lawns).

Children running across gardens, in ill fitting costumes, with the promise of free sweets ringing in their ears, won’t stop to check the path is clear.

dogs in ghost costumes

Dodge the Demons

Animals get spooked easily, when they do, they turn into veritable demons that scratch, snarl and lash out.

While Halloween seems like the one time of year a little extra blood doesn’t matter, most people on the receiving end don’t see it that way.

Avoid anyone getting harmed by your tenants’ demons – I mean pets – by advising tenants to keep pets safely inside. After all, only you can see the spectres of liability floating, waiting, in the background.

Tea light candles

Avoid Arsonists

Most of your tenants won’t be actual arsonists but strange things happen at Halloween.

It only takes one badly placed Jack O Lantern, complete with candle, to set fire to something.

It only takes one person not looking at the right time for the fire to spread.

When the house is covered in paper streamers and decorations from B&M it doesn’t matter if anyone’s looking, the fire will take control.

Are you scared yet?

Maybe this is a good time to remind your tenants about fire safety. Maybe also remind them about those battery-operated alternatives to naked flames – available in all good bargain stores near you.

a cat burglar

Cautiously Query Cat-burglars

At Halloween it’s not at all weird for grown adults to wear costumes. Because of this, opportunist burglars crawl out of the rotting woodwork.

You might not want to go scouring the streets demanding answers from anyone remotely resembling a cat-burglar. Thanks to technology and a dash of common sense, you don’t have to.

Protect yourself from property damage and save your tenants some heartache by reminding them to be extra vigilant about locking doors and windows. If you’ve been thinking of getting a security system, this is a great time of year to do it.

A foreboding spirit

Fear the Ghosts of Yesterday

It doesn’t end on All Hallows Eve, the day after can be just as gory and horrifying, especially if you’ve had a Halloween party.

If you’ve got rules on parties, or you’ve got noisy tenants that are always complained about, it’s time to lay down the law.

Make sure your tenants know any rules you have about parties.

A Knight

Valiantly Protect Your Charges

You the landlord, the bastion of virtue, the one who thinks about safety while everyone else is thinking about fake blood and sweeties. You are the only one who can valiantly protect your tenants and properties at the same time. This burden is yours to bear with a dignity and gravitas that only you can bring to the situation. So, at all costs, keep your phone on. This is one night of the year you’re going to want to catch any issues quickly. Let your tenants know how they can call on you in their hour of direst need.

While we’re on the subject of valiantly protecting charges…. It might be a good idea to make sure all your tenants know what Halloween is. Don’t look at me like that! Halloween isn’t celebrated in all cultures, if your tenants are new to the UK it’s just nice to give them a heads up. Imagine how you’d feel if witches and ghosts started walking past your window one night and you’d never heard of Halloween?

speak no evil skeleton

Don’t get Caught by The Silent Killer

It’s not just a Halloween thing it’s an ever-present threat.

The silent killer deserves a shout out on this list of spooky things you should be worried about. Especially considering the best ever carbon monoxide awareness video made by Gas Safe for Halloween last year. Watch this spine-chilling trailer, then go check your Gas Safety Certificates:

Don’t be THAT Landlord

I get it. After reading a list as spooky as this you’re going to want to go and engrave your landlord rules on stone tablets and impart them to your tenants from shiny clouds. After all, you are the noble protector in this story… So a friendly reminder ought to do it.

Also, don’t go banning parties just because you have images of destruction in your head. Everyone likes a good knees-up. Maybe throw a party of your own and invite your tenants.

Finally have a fun Halloween! If you’ve prepared for anything that might go wrong, it’s only right that you should let your hair… erm … up?!


Awkward Caveat:

This is a light-hearted Halloween post and is not meant to cause offence to landlords, tenants, demons or ghosts (Or children in ill-fitting costumes).

The advice in this post is well heeded all year round.

spooky landlord advert

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