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A Student’s Perspective on PBSA

Putpose-Built Students Accommodation: A Student’s Perspective

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Purpose-built student accommodation has many advantages over student halls. For starters, you get your own kitchen and bathroom and then there are other amenities often thrown in such as access to a gym and a common room. Today, Rob talks to Jay, a student at Keele University about what it’s like to live in PBSA.

Interview with Jay: a Student at Keele University and a Resident of Keele House

Rob: So, Jay, you are a student, locally, here, and you stay on these premises at the moment. So, how do you find it, from a student’s perspective? What sort of facilities do you have here?

Jay: We have a gym downstairs and a communal room which I use, every, single day, to meet my friends.

We have our own kitchen and en-suite, which is pretty good for me when I’m waking up, really hungry.

Rob: So, for each bedroom, you’ve got your own facilities. Nice. And how does that compare to other places you have stayed at, previously?

Jay: Last year I stayed at Keele University and I only had my room and shared a bathroom and a kitchen and there were 30 of us.

Rob: Sharing?

Jay: Yes. So, there was a massive wait to use the bathroom and kitchen so, that was not perfect.

Rob: So, it’s a lot simpler here. And in terms of location, for proximity to the university, amenities, locally and on the doorstep, is this better or is it similar to where you were, previously?

Jay: I can’t just roll out of bed and go to university now because it’s far further away. But I prefer this because I know a lot of people here and it’s close to a whole lot of things, whereas Keele is more closed off. So, if you want to go somewhere, you had to catch a bus. If no one is really feeling the whole journey then you can’t really go anywhere. Whereas here you can just pop to town, go bowling, play a bit of pool.

Rob: So, when you are at the university, although you are on campus, you’ve got to commute anywhere else you want to go.

Jay: Yes, that’s right.

Rob: So, this is better.

Jay: Yeah, it’s pretty good.


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