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Do’s and Don’ts of Couples’ Travel

Do's and Dont's of Couples Travel

While traveling as a couple, you’ll quickly learn that there are unwritten laws that you start to understand after a couple weeks on the road together. Having spent more time traveling together than any couple we know, we have learned a ton of things that one ought to do while traveling with a partner as well as those things that best be avoided.

We’ve compiled the most important do’s and don’ts of couples travel from our experiences!

travel photos as a couple

Do: Support One Another

You’re going to be challenged. Whether you’re struggling to speak to someone in a local language that you don’t understand, locked out of your bank account because of a fraud alert, lost and scared, or just plain jet lagged and exhausted, you’re going to have some hard times to deal with.

Make sure to support one another when you need it most.

The beauty of traveling as a couple is helping one another through those hard times and emerging from these challenges stronger as individuals and as a couple.

travel photos as a couple

Don’t: Forget to Go on Dates

It’s a bit challenging to remember to plan romantic nights out when you feel like each minute of the 24 hours you’re allotted in a day are all allocated to what seems to be a date.

Walking the streets of a foreign city, wine tasting, or even going on a tour all seem like cute dates. But don’t forget to take time to go be alone with your partner and do something sweet for one another.

Plan a romantic date and feel like locals in whatever city you’re visiting.

Greece Couples Travel

Do: Compromise

Often times agendas will be conflicting. Be sure to make time for what both of you want to do and compromise. Whether it is an activity, a type of wine, or a restaurant, it is likely that you and your partner will have differing opinions at some point. Compromise. Suck it up and just realize that no matter what, your choice will be sublime.

Trust us, you’ll look back and laugh that you argued about one of you wanting pasta and the other one wanting pizza when the clear answer was to get both!

Couples Travel

Don’t: Hold Back

Not everyone has the opportunity to travel with his or her lover. So don’t hold back! Take this opportunity to truly let go and love life. Do something you would never dream of doing. Try something new. Learn a new skill. Go for it and make some awesome memories with your loved one!

How to pack in one suitcase as as couple

Do: Spend Time Apart

Revert back to our note on compromise. In some ways, these two can go hand in hand. If you are struggling to compromise, perhaps you ought to spend a bit of time apart and go off on your own mini adventures.

We have written about time apart a number of times, and we will always stress its importance. Whether it’s a simple hour of exercise or a day adventuring, spend time apart.

How to pack in one suitcase as as couple

Don’t: Be Selfish

If you’ve been to a destination that you’re revisiting with your partner for his or her first time, let’s say Florence, Italy, don’t be selfish and skip the Academia because you’ve already been and seen the David. Wait in the 45-minute line and take your better half to see that magnificent sculpture.

Remember how amazing it was on your first time and try to enhance the magical experience for your partner. It will be so nice to look back on it as a memory shared and created together.



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