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Hands-Free Property Investment: An Introduction

Hands-Free Property Investment: The Secrets of Lazy Investors

Today we present a condensed guide to property investing for people who want to approach it in a hands-off manner; people who don’t want to invest too much time and effort in building a property portfolio but who are willing to make use of the resources, contacts and the wealth of information available to them.

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Hands-Off Property Investment

Historically, investing in property has been a very time-intensive thing to do. It has involved drawing up extensive lists of investment opportunities, meeting with estate agents, mortgage brokers; actually going out and viewing properties on the market. More importantly, it requires knowledge and the time it takes to learn, in detail, which investment strategies will work for which properties, in which areas, for which specific tenant types.

But, things have got a lot easier, not least of all because the internet has made access to information and education a lot easier, property deals are now easier to find and network with other professionals has been made much simpler by virtue of social media.

Whilst is true that some traditional ways of investing in property have become less lucrative (for instance, investing in buy-to-let has become more complicated, recently), in 2017 there are more ways of investing in property than ever before.

Ready-to-Go Property Deals

The first thing the lazy investor should consider is buying ready-to-go property deals. A lot of the effort required when you are investing in property is spent finding properties, finding your tenants and finding management teams.

With a ready to go property deal, some, or all of these elements can be part of the deal. So, you don’t need to worry about shortlisting properties from estate agent listings, or about having to go out and view property, after property, after property. With ready-to-go deals, you can be presented with a wide range of options and once you’ve purchased you can be making money from day one.

Property Crowdfunding

The second thing a lazy investor can do to start making money from investing in property, immediately, is to get involved with crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is a great way of investing in property. With crowdfunding, like with ready-to-go deals, the investment options available to you are almost endless. Where crowdfunding is different is that you are investing as part of a ‘crowd’ rather than buying the property outright.

Because of this, you will need much less money. So, if you only have, say £1,000 or £5,000 to spare – whereas before crowdfunding was an option you would need enough, at least, for a deposit – then that is no barrier to investing in property. Furthermore, property crowdfunding deals are fully hands-off. Buying through a crowdfunding platform means that you are putting your money into a fully managed service, where nothing more is expected from you.

If you are working with a particular crowdfunding company they will present you with a range of investment opportunities. You might have to commit money to the project for a certain amount of time, be it six months or a year, or longer. As I said the project will most-often be fully managed. So, you won’t have tenant issues to deal with or development issues; you won’t have to spend your time chasing refurbishment teams or dealing with estate agents.

Getting involved with crowdfunding property is really very straightforward so it’s perfect for lazy investors who just want to pay their money, make their profits and not get involved beyond that.

Investing in Property Development Companies

We’ve looked at ready to go property deals and at property crowdfunding but a third way of investing in the property industry is to invest directly in property building companies; so, stocks and shares.

There are lots of opportunities out there. There are public lists of companies that are developing some major development sites. These are major house builder that make large profits and payout fantastic dividends to investors.

Investing in companies like this is a great way of getting involved in the property market without having to be involved in the day-to-day running of a business. We have clients who are very successful in doing this; who love ‘property’ as an asset class and who are keen to keep their investment portfolio diversified and robust.

Now, we at Property Investments UK cannot give advice on what stocks and shares you should be investing in. We can only say that this is a rising trend in the market; something we are seeing others doing a lot more of and something we, ourselves, are considering as well.

Join Our FREE Property Training

Thank you for watching this video. If you liked this content then why not join our free online property training course?

In there we cover a range of different property strategies to help you get started on building a long-term property portfolio or creating a cash flowing property business.

We also look at ways to increase your return on investment with any of the properties you may be considering and we also have a couple of cheat sheets and downloadable documents.

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