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Heatwave Tips for Landlords

The last week has been pretty unpleasant for most of us. Ridiculously high temperatures in the late 30’s combined with high humidity have led to sleepless nights. The heatwave is just beginning to break, but we can expect more hot weather to come. With this in mind, here is a quick guide to help you survive the next Saharan Blast.

Check Up on Your Tenants

Very hot weather is unpleasant for all of us, but it can be deadly for the very young and the older members of our society. When people get too hot, they are susceptible to heat exhaustion. This can cause heavy sweating, weak pulse, nausea and vomiting, and even death.

Elderly people and young babies are very vulnerable in a heatwave. They can’t control their body temperature as well as older kids and adults. They might not drink enough, which can lead to dehydration.

If any of your tenants are elderly or they have babies, perform a welfare check. Make sure they are able to stay cool and if necessary, provide some fans to keep the property a bit cooler.

Check the Gutters

If one thing is certain it’s that storms and heavy rain always follow a heatwave. Now is a good time to check your gutters. If gutters are blocked, it can cause issues when the rain comes.

Blocked gutters may collapse under the pressure of torrential rain, leading to water ingress and internal damage. Think about it. Would you rather catch some sun up a ladder clearing moss and leaf debris from the gutters, or pay out big money to get a roofer to fix or repair a broken gutter?

Now is a good time to check your landlord’s insurance too. Make sure you are covered for flood and storm damage…

Look out for Subsidance

Prolonged periods of hot weather can leave a property vulnerable to subsidence. This is especially the case when trees grow close to the property, as parched roots draw significant amounts of water from the ground, causing soil shrinkage and subsidence.

If your property is built on clay, perform periodic checks to make sure it’s not showing signs of subsidence. Trees growing close to the property may need to be removed. Again, check your landlord’s buildings insurance to make sure you are covered.


Bees and wasps pollinate plants, but if they decide to nest in or around your property, expect a few headaches. Ask tenants to be vigilant. If they spot an unusual number of bees or wasps, check to see if there is a nest somewhere close by. And if there is, have it professionally removed.

Lastly, make the most of the good weather as it’s sure to be raining once again very soon!

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