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How to Eat Well on Long Trips

How to Eat Well on Trips

Long-term travel is a fun, eye-opening experience—but it can be hard on your health! You may be tempted to gobble down local pastries and eat out every day. But maintaining a healthy diet during travel doesn’t have to be a problem.

Here are my top tips on how to eat well on long trips!

– Drink Water –

Drink plenty of water, and try to keep a bottle on you at all times. Water will help you stay hydrated and flush out toxins from alcohol, caffeine, and sugars. Drinking water throughout the day will also help you feel full and you’ll be less inclined to over snack or overeat.

Fruit at Italian Market in Rome

– Produce –

Many countries have daily or weekend produce markets—don’t be afraid to take full advantage of these! Stock up on your daily vegetables and fruits at the local stands.

Farmers usually pick and sell their produce on the same day. This means you’ll be eating the freshest food on hand! You won’t worry about getting your daily nutrients and vitamins. Just make sure that the produce you are buying is free of pesticides or GMOs.

– Snack Often with One Big Meal –

Snack healthily throughout the day. Stay energized with proteins and natural sugars: a cup of yogurt, some sliced veggies, a bag of nuts, or a granola bar will keep you going without overloading the calories. Jerky and string cheese can also be tasty options in moderation.

Nibble and keep to small portions—this will prevent you from diving into the nearest fast food restaurant you find. Try to only eat one big meal per day. It can be lunch or dinner—just not both!

Barceló Bávaro food

– Cut Back on Alcohol –

Whether you want to admit it or not—sugary cocktails equal a lot of extra calories! Opt out of fruity beverages or mixed drinks with sugary sodas. Try instead light beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of local alcohol. You get the taste without sacrificing your health.

– Eat Out Sparingly –

Eating out can be fun when you’re abroad, but when traveling long-term, try to keep it to a minimum. Eat out once a week or so. You can track what goes into your body better if you cook meals yourself.

Chances are you have access to a kitchen in your vacation rental or hostel—so pick up some fresh produce and fish and whip yourself up a healthy meal. Plus your wallet will thank you later! If you do eat out, a few smart choices can make a difference down the road.

Choose steamed meat over fried, ask for your salad dressing on the side, have your burger with the bun, or double the veggies.

Chocolateria Sin Gines

– Indulge –

It seems counterintuitive but go ahead—indulge! You’re in a new country and you should partake of the extraordinary every few days. Long-term travel is all about pacing yourself. Eat healthy one day, splurge for a little treat the next.

Choose something local so it’s all the more special—a cocktail in the Bahamas, delicious lamb stew in Iceland, or a mille-feuille in Paris.

You’ll stay happier overall!

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