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How to Keep up to Date With Making Tax Digital

Keeping up to date on the huge making tax digital changes requires a lot of time and patience. There’s so much information out there that it’s difficult to know what’s useful.

It doesn’t help that the goal-posts have been shifted so many times. At one point everyone was going to have to use the new system by 2019, then 2020, now the government have confirmed they’re going to delay the roll out until 2021 at the earliest.

For most landlords it pays to stay on top of these changes, no one likes an angry tax man!

To make it as easy as possible for landlords to get familiar with and keep up to date with the latest changes on Making Tax Digital, we’ve started collecting all of our MTD articles in one convenient place for you to download.

What is the Making Tax Digital Collection?

The collection contains every article we’ve ever written about Making Tax Digital. Each time we write a new one we update the collection and re-upload it to our website.

The articles are all focussed around landlords and each time a new one is added the old ones are updated, so you can be assured that it’s always the most up to date resource on Making Tax Digital for landlords.

What’s in the Making Tax Digital Collection?

The articles in the collection are all quite in depth, here are their titles:

  1. How landlords can prepare for MTD

  2. A Making Tax Digital Checklist

  3. How Making Tax Digital will benefit landlords

  4. What landlords can learn about MTD from the MTD VAT rollout

In these articles you’ll learn tips and get advice on finding the right Making Tax Digital Software, we talk about the benefits of the shakeup and how it has already been received by VAT registered taxpayers. You’ll also find a whole host of information on any specifics and timelines that we know about.

Want to get stuck into reading the collection?

Get your Making Tax Digital Collection here:

A picture of the making tax digital collection


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