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How to Keep Your Energy Up While Traveling

How to Keep Your Energy up While Traveling

Traveling can be exhausting! Between jet lag, long afternoons of walking and late nights out, you might feel like you need a vacation after your vacation. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can explore the world and make the most of every moment without running yourself ragged.

Check out my easy tips to keep your energy up while traveling!

The Nines Hotel

Always Get a Good Night of Sleep

By far and away the most important thing is to get a good night’s sleep. If you don’t get at least seven hours per night, it is going to be impossible to say energetic all day long. I know it’s hard for night owls to shut down at the end of the day but it is one of the best habits you can create.

Whatever you are doing, it will still be there tomorrow! Drop your phone, leave the club and shut off your laptop. Sleeping is the best way to spend your night.

Montmorency Dried Tart Cherries

One of my travel must-haves is Montmorency Tart Cherries. These little cherries are a natural source of melatonin, which promotes better quality sleep and helps restore a normal sleep cycle. Just two 8 oz. glasses of Tart Cherry Juice each day can help to improve the quality and duration of sleep, so try adding it to some sparking water in flight.

That extra melatonin may help your body fight jet lag and regulate its natural sleep cycle when arriving in a different time zone. If you are feeling too wound up at the end of the day, this is the perfect fix.

Keep Moving

Couldn’t resist sampling the local greasy breakfast? And the four-course lunch? And, of course, who can turn down the dinner buffet followed by dessert and after dinner drinks? No problem! Indulgence isn’t a big deal if you keep moving.

Have an amazing meal then opt to walk around the city rather than taking the metro. Go out for drinks then get up early for a seaside run.

It’s especially important to keep moving during travel days. Pace the aisles during a long flight. Walk to the back of the train and do heel lifts. When you really restricted for space, every little bit helps so take every chance to get moving.

Turkish Food

Eat Right

One of my favorite things about traveling is the FOOD! From Pacific salmon to African cucumbers to cherimoya, there are so many delicious and healthy treats out there.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair. I’d love to be one of those women who always has a fridge packed full of healthy, home-cooked food but that’s not always realistic.

Healthy eating on the go is all about making good decisions on the fly.

I usually prep my own snacks for long travel days and flights. One of my favorite (and easiest) snacks is trail mix with dried tart cherries, walnuts (another melatonin-rich food) and organic dark chocolate for a delicious and healthy in-flight snack that’s high in antioxidants.

Montmorency Tart Cherries

You can find healthy food anywhere. Even at fast food joints, you can opt for grilled rather than fried food. Nearly any convenience store has bananas alongside candy bars. Remember, guys, food is fuel!

A healthy diet isn’t about restriction. Eating well means providing your body with a diet rich in diversity.

Stay Hydrated

Tired? Hungry? Irritable? There is a good chance that you are thirsty! Before you reach for a coffee or snack, down a glass of water. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it can make. When you are flying, drink at least one glass of water per hour in the air.

When it is hot out, keep up the same momentum. Drinking eight glasses a day is a good rule of thumb but when you are wandering through a 100-degree city, it might not be enough. Listen to your body.

The Ultimate Carry On Bag

Keep up Your Hygiene Routine

It’s important to keep things fresh! Be sure to pack all of your beauty and hygiene essentials. Keep a travel toothbrush and face wipes stashed in your bag for long journeys. When you’re traveling in the summer, don’t hesitate to up your showering game.

In tropical weather, I have found that taking two five-minute showers is so much better than one long ten-minute showering. Even just stepping into a cold shower for one minute with my hair up will totally wake up me and leave me feeling refreshed.

Ultimately, staying energized is all about treating your body well! Sleep late, stay well fed, keep hydrated and always listen to your body.

If you are still feeling exhausted, it might be time for a siesta!

This article was written in partnership with the Cherry Marketing Institute. For more information on the research and science supporting the health benefits of tart cherries and delicious cherry recipes, visit the Choose Cherries website. As always, opinions expressed here are entirely my own.



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