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Hull Landlord Stuck with Tenant from Hell

Image symbolising tenant from hell

A Hull landlord is tearing his hair out because he can’t get rid of his tenant. He is desperate to evict the mother-of-five, but he’s tried everything and, so far, she hasn’t gone anywhere. Meanwhile, the property is sustaining more and more damage.

Not My Fault! Says Tenant

The tenant refuses to accept responsibility for the damage to the property. She blames everyone else for the piles of rubbish and the estimated £20k worth of damage. The landlord accuses her of allowing squatters to move into the property and not paying the rent for three months. The tenant says people broke into the property when she was in prison last year, causing damage and stealing her belongings. She even claims the loud noises neighbours have complained about are her being beaten up in her own home.

“I’ve not been staying at this house. I’ve been staying anywhere I can because I’ve been too scared to go back to the house,” she said.

“People go round and let themselves in because the landlord won’t secure the locks. They climb in and out and they have nicked all my baby’s toys.”

Landlord at His Wit’s End

Meanwhile, the landlord claims he has changed the locks dozens of times, and still there are problems. He has even tried to tempt her to move out with the offer of £500 lump sum, but so far, she hasn’t taken him up on the offer, even though she says she is “desperate” to leave. He feels stuck between a rock and a hard place.

“She is the tenant from hell but she has a tenancy right and she has got a rent agreement. If I went and got her out it would be classed as an illegal eviction which I could get charged for,” the landlord sighed.

The neighbours are just as fed up as the landlord. A photo taken from a neighbouring window reveals piles of rubbish and discarded junk. Another photo shows a horse standing in the back garden with a puzzled expression on its face.

Neighbours say they have been complaining for ages in the hope that the nightmare tenant would be evicted. They complain they can’t sit in their gardens anymore because of the stench and their kids are too scared to play outside. At least one neighbour says she has considered moving home but doesn’t see why she should be forced out of her house because of one bad egg.

The tenant told the media she was upset at all the negative criticism. She said she was trying to turn her life around, but it wasn’t easy.

“I’ve been in McDonald’s to use the Wi-Fi to try and find a flat somewhere because I’m not doing drugs anymore and I need somewhere I can go where I’m safe.”

Don’t Put Up with Antisocial Behaviour Says Council

Hull City Council say they encourage anyone dealing with antisocial behaviour issues to get in touch.

Have any of your tenants faced issues like these? Let us know in the comments!

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