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Introducing Xavier Pullen, Director of Commercial Property, Property Partner


Rob: I’m delighted to introduce Xavier Pullen from Property Partner, today. We are going to touch on a range of commercial orientated property questions but it would be good, first, to try and get an understanding of your background, your bio and your role within Property Partner. So, what are your background and your story?

Xavier: I spent the whole of my career in commercial property and in all aspects of commercial property. So, through development, investment, all the different sectors, offices, industrial, retail and other areas that you come to, other than residential, which I’ve never really done, other than privately.

Rob: Why commercial? How did you get started?

Xavier: When I left school I joined a commercial firm of surveyors. I didn’t really know what they did but slowly, bit-by-bit, I discovered what they did. I liked, very much, what they did and how they went about doing it and then morphed into running property companies, up until very recently.

I am retired founder of a publicly traded reit, that still trades today, very successfully. And I met the guys at Property Partner and was very impressed by the whole structure and the way it works, empowering investors. Dan was very keen to have a platform in commercial property and asked me to help, working with Rob, in the team, just specialising in that area.

And that is what I do.

Rob: Fantastic. So, that is your role within Property Partner, the commercial side of it.

I’m looking forward to touching on the commercial arm because, obviously, there is a big wide world out there of commercial property.

Xavier: And it is really different to anything else such as residential and that sort of thing.

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