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Landlord “Name and Shame” Database

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, has created a rogue landlord database to try and stamp out bad landlords. Now, all 33 boroughs in London have now signed up to the database, which will make it much harder for rogue landlords to slip through the net.

Tenants Can Look Up Landlords

Tenants can now check the database to see if their prospective landlord is on there. It’s hoped that naming and shaming bad landlords will deter them from continuing with their exploitative practices.

The landlord database is published on the City Hall website. Any landlords previously prosecuted by the London Fire Brigade or participating London Boroughs will appear on there. There is also a reporting tool so that tenants and neighbours can report bad landlords. Anyone checking the database can see a landlord or property agent’s full name, what offences they committed, what enforcement was taken against them, and what fines were awarded. Also included in the database is property information, some details from the landlord’s address to help with identification.

“I’m extremely grateful for the support of all the local authorities and other bodies which have signed up to contribute their records to the database. I’m confident this will be a major step in tackling unscrupulous and illegal practices in the rented sector,” says Mr Khan.

Making an Informed Choice

With the database fully operational and all London boroughs committed to participating, Londoners will find it easier to make informed choices about where they live.


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