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Landlord Prosecuted for Allowing Vacant Property to Fall into Disrepair

A Liverpool landlord has been prosecuted by Liverpool council for allowing one of his properties to fall into an advanced state of decay and disrepair. The court action is part of a wider crackdown on landlords who fail to look after empty properties.

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Town and Country Planning Act 2016

The council’s housing department first received a complaint about the property in 2016. The complainant described the property as a “blight” on the neighbourhood and following an inspection, the council agreed. The landlord was served with a notice under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, requiring him to make essential improvements to the property following preliminary correspondence.

Improvement Notice Served

Unfortunately, the landlord took no notice of the letters and other correspondence. The improvement notice expired at the end of 2016, but the landlord had still failed to carry out the repairs, so the council stepped in to do them on his behalf.

Because the council had carried out improvement works in default, the landlord was fined £200 plus £500 costs. The council has also pledged to pursue the landlord for the cost of improvement works made on the property.

“The impact of derelict houses on the local community is immeasurable and when left to fall into disrepair they cause blight in the area and can attract vandalism leading to anti-social behaviour,” says Counsellor Hont.

“It is part of the Mayoral Pledge to deal with long-term vacant houses and engage with owners to bring the properties back into use.”


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