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Landlord Vision’s New Features – Even Easier Property Management!

Over the years, many people have tried and loved Landlord Vision. But of the landlords who didn’t stay with Landlord Vision, almost all of them told us they found the software confusing, that it was difficult to get started.

We also found that shared property ownership wasn’t quite as straightforward as we’d thought. We ran into instances of four or five landlords sharing different ownership percentages of each property. The software helped with jointly owned properties with simple percentage splits, but more complicated ownership set-ups were something the software just wasn’t geared up for.

All this (and a little bit extra) has changed today with the introduction of some new features…

Why Have Landlord Vision Launched These New Features?

Our aim with Landlord Vision is to make life easier for all landlords, not just those who are determined to get to grips with their new software. So, we acted on all the feedback we received and invested some time and effort into making the software easier to use and more dynamic. For everyone.

What are Landlord Vision’s New Features?

New checklists and tutorials to make getting set up even faster

In the software you’ll now find some checklists and tutorials. These are arranged in groups depending on what you most want the software to help you with.

For example, if you’re using Landlord Vision primarily to manage your property finances, you can click on the first option in the screenshot below.

The checklist that’s produced will guide you through the essential things you need to do to start monitoring your finances.

As you can see from the screenshot, there are four main options. Each of the checklist items can be clicked to give you further information, like in the screenshot below:

Shared ownership can now be recorded against a property

If you share ownership of a property, you’re going to find this Landlord Vision feature a huge time saver.

You can now assign property ownership in the software. That means if two or more landlords own a property at differing percentages these can all be accounted for correctly in your reports. Once you’ve entered the percentages you can choose to generate reports for each landlord’s share which will be based on the ownership percentage entered.

If you’ve already got properties set up in Landlord Vision, you won’t need to enter them again. You can add a property ownership percentage to your existing properties provided you’ve got more than one landlord registered in the software. You can register additional landlords by going to Portfolio > Select the Portfolio > Edit Portfolio > Add a Landlord > Add the details and click save. You can also assign portfolio ownership percentage here at portfolio level.

Once you’ve done this you can add property ownership percentage, from the right-hand menu select Property Manager > Properties > Open the property > Main Information > Edit Property > Property Ownership.

Here you can set property ownership at property level. The percentages you assign here can be different to the percentages you supplied at portfolio level.

Who Gets to Try the New Features?

All new customers will be shown the new checklists and tutorials as soon as they log into the software, so they’re quickly and easily guided through using the software straight away.

This new feature isn’t just for new customers though, all existing customers take advantage of the tutorials and handy hints. To find them, log into Landlord Vision and on the top menu select ‘Help’ then click on ‘Follow the Landlord Vision onboarding tutorials’. You’ll then find the tutorials on your profile dashboard.

The shared property ownership feature is available to all landlords using Landlord Vision.

And We’ve Made Landlord Vision Sleeker too…

The software has had some styling improvements. Don’t worry, everything looks the same, but now you’ll notice things look a little sleeker.

We hope you enjoy your new features, don’t forget to let us know what you think. We build our software in conjunction with our customers, help us evolve by sharing your feedback.

How to share feedback with Landlord Vision?

We use User Echo to gather feedback from customers. This allows customers to suggest new features, improvements to old features, and allows you to vote on any of the features suggested. When we make updates and improvements to the software, we start with the User Echo suggestions that have the most votes, so get involved and help the software to evolve.


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