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Landlords Not Letting to Younger Tenants

A study carried out by Sheffield Hallam University has found that landlords are increasingly refusing to let properties to tenants under 35. 1,996 tenants were questioned as part of a study commissioned by the Residential Landlords Association. 79% said they had changed their rental policy to exclude people aged 34 and under. Only a small minority of landlords were actively looking for younger tenants.

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When asked why they didn’t want to let properties to younger tenants, the landlords told researchers they were worried younger tenants wouldn’t pay the rent on time or would breach their tenancy agreement in some other way.

Risk Assessment

The results of the study show that landlords are seeking to mitigate risk wherever possible. Of the landlords still actively renting properties to younger families, 80% said they had put measures in place to ensure the rent was paid on time, including asking for rent guarantors, and in the case of benefits tenants, direct payment of the rent.

At Risk Excluded from PRS

Alan Ward, chairman of the RLA, said the results were worrying, as it showed landlords were not accommodating younger tenants and those on benefits. This group is most at risk of not having a home, so it is vital that the private rental sector can accommodate them.

“We have already held constructive talks with the Government about this and we will keep the situation under review, but there is a need for policymakers to engage further with landlords to consider what more action can be taken to address this decline,” Mr Ward told the Independent.


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