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This is the Worst Thing to Happen to Landlords at Halloween

New horrifying news has emerged from the depths of the internet.

Over the last few months the media have shared endless stories of rogue landlords taking advantage of vulnerable tenants, and tenants leaving landlords properties in dire conditions, but we’ve never heard anything as outrageous as this…

In the last few months, there have actually been stories of landlords and tenants…. Being nice to each other? Don’t worry, we’re as freaked out as you are. The rest of this article is not for the feint of heart. Let us take you to a spooky place, a twilight zone if you will, where landlords and tenants live in horrific harmony.

Back in April Just Landlords ran a twitter competition to identify the unsung hero landlords that the country couldn’t live without….

WHAT! Do you even know what happens if you google ‘stories about good landlords?’ …

Screenshot of google search results for good landlord

Despite the bad Google rep, tenants everywhere emerged from the dark recesses of Twitter to share their tales.

Many citing the hashtag #LandlordHero on Twitter speak about landlords fixing issues as soon as they’ve arisen and caring about the properties that they’re letting out over and above their profits. 😮

Surely everyone knows this isn’t typical behaviour for landlords? Do I need to show you the screenshot again?

There were also some highly unbelievable stories about tenants who were down on their luck with no guarantors and the landlord took them in anyway. There was even one tenant who was homeless when she was taken in by a good landlord.

One tenant tweeted that his landlord got a leak fixed on Easter Sunday, a level of dedication that is just not in sync with the rogue landlords and tenants we know and love.

I have entered Just Landlords’ competition to tell the world why my landlord/letting agent VPS is a hero as they sorted out my Bath tap flooding everywhere on Easter Sunday without complaint! #LandlordHero @JustLandlords — Me13 (@Marysia01313) 18 April 2018

It’s not just Twitter that’s at it either. Check out this tenant who felt compelled to write an entire blog post about how amazing her landlady is.

It’s shocking to glimpse life beyond the veil of all that rogueness, only at Halloween, when the places between the worlds are thin, would you be shown a dimension so opposite to our own.

Have a spooky Halloween! 😊


Just a note to say:

This is a light-hearted post for Halloween, we of course condemn the actions of rogue landlords and tenants. The post is not meant to cause offence to anyone. We loved the Just Landlords campaign and the blog post about the amazing landlady.

We think that more heart-warming landlord tenant stories should be shared to help cure the stigma of rougeness that undermines so many landlord and tenant relationships.

halloween landlord

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