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Welsh Landlord has his Property Trashed by Tenants

A Welsh landlord was sickened to discover his property had been trashed by tenants before they moved out. Every single room in the property was piled high with discarded rubbish, dirty dishes, and empty bottles.

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The situation in the garden was just as bad. Not one room was spared. In fact, there was so much rubbish left behind, the landlord had to force his way in.

An Awful Mess

This mess was left behind by tenants who had been evicted. The landlord had asked them to leave in November, but he was kind enough to give them until January to make arrangements and find somewhere new to live. He tried to make an appointment to visit the property several times, but the tenants continually made excuses.

Tenants Left in a Hurry

He says he last had contact with them in January, but since then their mobile phones have been disconnected. He began writing to them instead, but after no reply, he finally went over to inspect the property. When he managed to force his way in, it soon became apparent that they had left some time previously. Post and personal belongings had been abandoned and it was clear they left in a hurry.

The landlord alleges the tenants owe him £2,000 in unpaid rent. He’s also concerned that it may take a lot of money to restore the property back into a habitable condition, but he is relieved he has his house back again.



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