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What Has Been Your Biggest Win in Property?

Dale Wild from Pegasus Property Investments talks about his successes, investing in property. In Oldham, he was the first person to get planning permission for an HMO and over the last few years, his business has grown. But success doesn’t come from nowhere. Hard work, luck and the support of your family are key.


Amy: What’s been your biggest win to date, Dale, in property? What’s your proudest moment or the biggest success you’ve had so far in the property world?

Dale: Good question.

Amy: I think there are quite a few, from my perspective. You’ve had a really, really good couple of years.

Dale: We’ve had a good couple of years. Obviously, it doesn’t just come out of nowhere.

Amy: Yeah, there’s a lot of work.

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HMOs, serviced accommodation and buy-to-let, made in-house and custom built to any size and style.

Dale: There’s a lot of support, on my family side. My business partner, a great amount of support.

So, we’re encouraging money into our business so that we can move forward.

We were the first guys in Oldham to get planning permission on an HMO, for years and years which was about three or four years ago.

That’s a nice 11-bed. A little bit like a boutique hotel inside, it’s really nice. So, that was a big tick in the box, for us because when we first went to speak to Planning they said, ‘We don’t do those things’ and that’s the way they put it and so it went to committee and we got it, quite easily.

And obviously, now, we’ve just bought the pub in Oldham, which is going to be converted. That was a bit of a twitchy moment. We bought at auction. Obviously, no planning.

This is what we want to do with it. Got the architect in. Then you give it all to Plan and just go, ‘Please say yes’.

Amy: So, there is what not to do in property.

Dale: We got through it.

Amy: That’s it. Everybody is muddling through when they first start out. Like you say, you go through hairy moments and you take the risk.

But you are calculated with them and protect yourself along the way and you’ll see the rewards if you do things properly.

Dale: Definitely so. Definitely.


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