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When to Travel with Motion Sickness Relief

Motion Sickness Relief

Did you know that 90 percent of people will deal with motion sickness at some point? Even if you have been lucky so far, the chances are good that you’ll have to deal with it at some point. For me, I didn’t start getting motion sick until I reached my mid-twenties, so it’s different for everyone.

Unfortunately, far too many travelers, myself included, have had their adventures foiled by motion sickness. Ineffective remedies or just plain having nothing on hand to deal with motion sickness can turn a dream getaway into a nightmare.

The good news is that you can do something about it! Cross the shining seas, take the road trip of a lifetime, and climb the highest peaks without worrying about motion sickness.

My go-to is Dramamine® Non-Drowsy Naturals, because not only is it made from natural ginger, it’s the brand’s first non-drowsy motion sickness fix. It’ll have you feeling ready to take on the world. If you are planning your next adventure, make sure it is on your list!

Here are few adventures you will definitely want to have Dramamine® on hand for!

TYW Croatia

– – Sailing – –

Even if you have never dealt with motion sickness before, sailing might turn you green. The seas can be unpredictable and so can your stomach! Getting sick will put a serious damper on your sea excursion so come prepared. I learned the hard way on my first The Yacht Week in Croatia

the smaller the ship, the more likely that you are to get seasick.

I used all kinds of ginger ales, gums, and candies, but nothing worked. So now, I’ll opt to take Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals, which contains the clinically tested ginger dosage required for preventing motion sickness, before setting out on a boat to prevent missing a beat.

If you know you’re prone to motion sickness, take a dose, get some fresh air and stay in the center of the ship where it’s more stable.


– – Hiking – –

This one might come as a surprise but you can get really sick when hiking and climbing. You might just be taking a leisurely hike, but you can still get sick if you aren’t used to the altitude. If you come from a low altitude, you’ll be prone to dizziness, headaches, and fatigue.

When you travel to a high altitude, it’s important to drink plenty of water, avoid alcohol, and take things slowly. Before you take off on a strenuous hike, give yourself an adjustment period. Spend your first couple of days taking it easy to get used to the altitude.

Once you are ready to go, pack your Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals and you’ll be set.

Dramamine Non Drowsy Naturals

– – Boat Transfers – –

When I was in the Maldives, I saw so many travelers turning green on the boat transfers from the airport to the islands. While the sea may look calm from the beach, the water can be pretty choppy once you get out there.

Being on a small boat can cause motion sickness that will stick with you for hours…

ruining the picture-perfect island arrival.

If you are particularly sensitive, I definitely recommend opting for speedboats if you have the choice since they tend to be more stable. And, of course, stock up on Dramamine before you go!

Driving the Golden Circle

– – Long Car Rides – –

I adore road trips but they can go south quickly if you get motion sickness. I’ve interrupted too many interstate adventures by stopping at truck stops and grabbing carbonated drinks. For motion sickness, you really need relief designed to prevent and treat motion sickness.

The awesome thing about Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals is that it’s made from natural ginger so you can take it multiple days in a row–perfect for that cross-country trek. Follow @DramamineBrand for more information!

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The post was written in partnership with Dramamine. As always, opinions expressed here are entirely my own.



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