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Why All Couples Should Travel Together

Why All Couples Should Travel Together

If you really want to know if you’re significant other is “the one,” travel around the world with him or her.  If you plan to marry someone, you definitely want to know them at their best and at their worst.

You want to know how he or she responds in the face of adversity and how he or she handles stressful situations.  You want to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into if you plan to promise yourself to someone for the rest of your life.

Travel is by far the most valuable tool for not only enriching one’s life, but also finding out who someone truly is.  Travel makes one vulnerable.

Travel inevitably places one in unpredictable and unplanned situations which cause one to think logically, solve problems, and- if you’re traveling as a couple- work as a team.

Having spent the last 5 months traveling together and spending about 23 hours a day, 7 days a week with each other…

we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 reasons that all couples should travel together!

Couples Travel

1.  Build Trust

Trust is the most important foundation of any relationship.  Compromise trust and you make room for anger, jealousy, and of course insecurity.  There is simply no better way to build trust in one another than to travel together.

Having to rely on each other in situations which you’ve never even contemplated is one of the best confidence builders one could imagine.

Trust us, when you’re stranded in a strange city at midnight and you have to figure out a foreign public transit system that is half shut down, you’ll quickly learn to trust each other.

Couples Travel

2. Learn Each Other’s True Colors

Most would agree that it is rather important to live with someone before choosing to marry him or her.  This is a wonderful way to get to know ones “true colors.”

However, if we want to take this to the next step, move to a foreign country with your partner.  Take away your normal life routine, friends, and all things familiar and watch how the other person adapts to the change.  You’re 100% going to see your mate for who he or she truly is.

Couples Travel

3.  Learn to Let Go

Let’s be real…all you really need is each other.  It’s really easy to get caught up in material possessions and believe that they add value to your life, but the truth is they only weigh you down.  Our bags are now substantially lighter than they were 5 months ago when we left Los Angeles.

We have thrown so much crap away and have consolidated all of our possessions into about one suit case and one backpack each.

As you travel with your partner you’ll quickly realize that you can rely on him or her to fulfill your needs and you’ll quickly realize that your physical junk is simply more of a burden.

Couples Travel

4.  For the Stories

Everyone knows the best grandparents are the ones with the best candy and the best stories. Instead of sending your grandkids a $5 check for their birthdays, you can spend valuable time with them sharing stories from your adventures.

We can only hope that when we tell our kids and grandkids about quitting our corporate jobs to travel the world that they’ll be inspired to follow their dreams.

Couples Travel

5.  Fun!

Our other 4 points have all been relatively serious and have highlighted how travel will help you build upon your relationship, but it is important to note that traveling with your best friend is FUN!

Both of us have traveled extensively with family, friends, and even solo, but the most fun we have had traveling has undoubtedly been together as a couple!  Honestly, what could possibly be better than traveling the world with your best friend?



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