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Why Travel is the Best Cure for a Broken Heart


Breakups—we’ve all been there—a time of distress, anxiety, misery, maybe nostalgic tears over a bowl of ice cream. I’m all for mourning a relationship, whether it’s a mutual split or a heartache, but there comes a time when you are ready to move on.

One of the best ways to get out there again is to take a trip—anywhere—to clear your mind, restore your self-confidence, get out into the world, and use your newfound independence as a chance to grow.

Here’s why I think travel is the best cure for a broken heart!

Muslim Street in Xi'An China

It’s a Distraction

Instead of wallowing in self-pity and obsessive thoughts about what might have been, hit the road.

Travel is a sure catharsis, as it removes you from familiar surroundings, from the apartment you shared and from all the friends you had in common. The risk to bump into an ex at your favorite watering hole is reduced to zero. Distance creates a space in which you can begin to refocus.

By traveling, you’re thrust into the unfamiliar, and out of your comfort zone. It’s liberating to be in a place where no one knows your name and are able to give yourself a break and get out of your head for a bit.

Immerse yourself in foreign sights and smells, and let yourself roam free!

The Yacht Week British Virgin Islands

Meet New People

Another great distraction is meeting new people, and as a solo traveler it’s fairly easy to meet others like yourself.

Strike up a conversation in a hostel and see what friendships may result, pay attention to the people around you, or sit at a cafe and watch strangers go by. You may even find friends that can accompany you on your travels, or keep in touch with!

Solo Female Travel in Istanbul

Restores Balance

When you’re in a relationship it’s easy to forget that you are your own person. When you travel, you’re forced to rely completely on yourself.

Use this trip to reaffirm your own independence and boost your self-confidence. Write in a journal. Trust your own intuition and instincts to get from place to place and keep yourself out of trouble.

The adventure is all yours.

Diving in Cozumel

Learn a New Skill

You can also take this chance to learn something new on your travels. Want to try your hand at photography? Start by taking pictures of the huge world. Took Spanish in college? Try out what you remember in a local restaurant. Start doing yoga. Volunteer while you’re abroad. The limit is only your imagination.

Stockholm, Sweden

Be in the Present

Travel teaches you, first and foremost, to be in the present moment. Thrust into the unfamiliar, your senses become clearer—you see more, you hear more at home.

Listen to the world around and listen to your body. Feel the discomfort of a cold shower. Feel relaxed on a Mediterranean beach. Relax. Let go.

GoPro London

Keeps You Moving Forward

Why stay at home when you can opt for a spontaneous trip? Take a leap of faith and have an adventure.

Remember: this time is for you.

Do what feels good, every day. The memories you make of your trip will stay with you always and remind you who you are and what you can do, just by yourself.



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